Spring Flowering Planting Information.
Choose bulbs according to location and soil type. Most hardy bulbs originate from the Mediterranean, thriving in a warm, sunny climate in freely draining soil. Good drainage and plenty of sunshine is key, since most bulbs are prone to rot while dormant.
Planting bulbs in a herbaceous border will help to fill in gaps and provide colour and interest before perennials and shrubs begin to grow in early spring. Plant daffodils, winter aconites, tulips and fritillarias for outstanding colour. Drifts of single species can be planted to blend in with the general planting scheme of the garden, or try mixing different varieties to create an even and striking effect of bright colour.
When planted en masse spring-flowering bulbs make a valuable contribution to formal bedding displays. Try growing groups of early-flowering tulips in a bed which will be occupied by annuals later in the summer. As a general rule, the larger, showy varieties are better suited to a formal position in the garden.
If you want a great patio display, try growing bulbs in pots. Keep it simple by planting a variety on its own or several of the same variety packed closely together for a bumper show. Several types can be planted together, but it’s tricky to get the flowers to appear at the same time. When growing bulbs in a pot, pick a container that is the right size and will complement your chosen bulbs. If you are using a clay pot with a large drainage hole in the base, cover it with a piece of broken pot. Fill pots with general-purpose compost, mixed with a handful of horticultural grit to improve drainage. Water after planting.
Bulbs are some of the easiest garden plants to grow, needing only well-drained soil and some sunshine. As a general rule, plant bulbs two to three times their own depth and around two bulb widths apart. It's important to plant bulbs with its top facing upwards. If unsure, plant the bulb on its side. Replace the soil after planting, breaking down any large clumps and firm gently, making sure there are no air spaces around the bulbs.
Bulbs in pots need more care than those in soil. Keep the compost moist and protect from frost by wrapping with bubble wrap over winter. Cover with a piece of chicken wire to prevent squirrels, mice and voles from digging them out. Remove it when shoots appear.
🌷 Ranunculus ( Persian Buttercup )
🌷 Amaryllis
Amaryllis are a very easy to grow bulb. And with some simple steps to planting and growing here, we are confident of giving you some exuberance and beauty to your house in those darker winter days.
Simply plant your bulbs in good quality potting soil, water regularly and provide bright but not direct light.
Nearly all varieties will take 6 to 8 weeks before they start to bloom, sometimes up to 12 weeks.
Plant each Amaryllis bulb in a large and sturdy enough pot. Make sure the bulb is pointed-end-up. Place the soil gently around the bulb so one third of the bulb lies above the soil line.
Water sparingly until you see about 2" of new growth. From then on, water regularly. As the plant grows, turn the pot every now and then to encourage the flower stalks to grow straight. You may want to support the stems with small sticks to keep them upright as they grow.
Once the flowers have faded, cut the stem down to the base of the bulb. Continue to water the bulb regularly and provide it with sunlight. With proper care, the bulb will store energy for the next blooming cycle.